July 9 to July 11, 2021, a super teeny, tiny itsy bitsy return to the PCT miles 1356 to 1358, Butte lake, Horseshoe Loop trail, Cinder Cone climb and JJ’s again!

I decided to join the Sacramento Backpackers on an interesting Horseshoe Loop hike which started just past Old Station at the Butte lake ranger station and traveled around a series of lakes for about 20 miles before we ascended the very very loose rock “Cinder Cone” volcano.

Kim, Mike, Kaleb and myself met at 12 noon on a hot July 9 day. We had an easy but hot 8 miles planned to camp at Stags Lake. The trail was pretty easy and mostly flat, but it was warm. Fortunately a fair amount of shade was available and we took frequent breaks.

Very nice area to hike.

Butte lake.

Butte still.

Cinder Cone volcano in the background here.

Early break.

Easy flat path.

Another break. It was hot!

The white dead trees are called “Snags”, hence the name, “Stags lake”.

We camped at Stags lake after the easy 8 mile hike and did a little off trail searching to find good camp spots near some barely moving water. The lake was pretty low.

Barely moving water, but it was clean. Our plan was to start hiking by 8:00 am and camp and swim at horseshoe lake tomorrow.

Published by tomconnolly3

Former 270 pound hiking noob is attempting to hike the PCT starting April 8!

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