July 3, 2023 mile 1698 to 1720. 22 miles. The horses smelt the barn (and the burgers and the beers)

Caleb (Jediah Smith) impressed everyone and was on the trail hiking before 5:00 am. WOW! I was off at 5:05 which is not to bad. The weather and conditions were perfect. We had 1 day of food left, which weighed almost nothing, and water was available everywhere these 22 miles. Conditions ideal for good miles.

Sun still sleeping

Sunrise finally arrives.

We are not going to any of these very cool named places.

Still great views.

1st breakfast again on the trail. We hope to finish by 6.

2nd trail magic of the day. The watermelon tasted great. The lass is a non PCT hiker from Germany working on a farm in Iowa and somehow giving trail magic on the PCT. Life is grand!

These blue signs have triangles (like the PCT) but are actually cross country trails and often have arrows pointing the wrong way. Rather irritating.

3rd breakfast or 2nd lunch. Hard to keep track. (We eat a lot)

Less then 5 miles to the car. Making good time, but I’m getting a tad sore.

Trail has been very nice today. Gradual climbs and drops, with usually smooth forest ground. At some point we had several miles of lava rock, and it’s amazing to me how the trail makers built this 2653 mammoth trail.

Highway 5 and the end of this sections hiking. 127 miles in 8 days. 40 in the last 2 days. Lol. Sounds like a lot.

Dinner and drinks at Callahams. We actually finished by 5 which for us is pretty good time

PCT hiker trying the Saied valley way cafe 5 pancake challenge the next morning. 5 huge pancakes in 2 hours. In 14 years,. 7 people have succeeded. Key rule, “you throw it up, you clean it up”

That’s all folks for the PCT in 2023. Me and Rose will be starting a cross country adventure in Dora the Explorer soon, and we are excited! Till next year, HAPPY TRAILS!

Published by tomconnolly3

Former 270 pound hiking noob is attempting to hike the PCT starting April 8!

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